Special design

Physical or online meeting

Dialogue about design and possibilities.

We'll have a chat about your needs and style. Where you could imagine a wall decoration and the room's possibilities. We are talking about the use of your place - how permanent should it be and how much traffic and wear and tear will the decoration be exposed to. If you are a brand, we can incorporate your color codes into the design. If it is a mural for a private home, we can use your color codes in the same way, e.g. as a background color, so the design will blend in very naturally. We also talk about the starting point for the design. Should it be created based on a standard design, or have you found inspiration elsewhere.

vædekoration til spisestuen


Material is submitted

You send pictures of the wall and the room where the decoration is to be installed. If there is other material such as color codes, inspiration photos or brand guidelines, this is attached to the email.

Samples and


After max. 5 working days you will receive visualizations and possibly wallpaper samples. You give feedback and the design can be adapted if necessary..

Production and


Production takes approx. 5 days for standard designs. Longer production times may occur during busy periods. You will receive the mural by post or purchase an additional set-up.

Setup usually takes 1 day.